Getting Here
From Truckee take Hwy 89 north to Hwy 49.
From Reno take I-80 west to Truckee then Hwy 89 north to Hwy 49, or alternatively, take Hwy 395 north to Hwy 70 west to Hwy 49 south.
From the Bay Area or Sacramento take I-80 east to Auburn then Hwy 49 north through Grass Valley.
Highways 49 & 89 are open all year even when interstates are closed due to snow conditions. During fall, winter and spring call Caltrans at 1-800-427-7623 for current road conditions.
You can always check online for road conditions and restrictions like chain control:
Highway 49
Highway 89
While exploring Sierra County, if you want to travel on unpaved roads, it is recommended that you drive a high clearance vehicle.
Mileage chart
Reno to Loyalton...................................... 42 miles (Hwy 395, Hwy 70, Hwy 49)
Reno to Sierraville.................................... 60 miles (I-80, Hwy 89)
Reno to Sierra City................................... 79 miles (Hwy 395, Hwy 70, Hwy 49)
Sacramento to Downieville...................... 99 miles (I-80, Hwy 49)
Sacramento to Sierra City........................ 107 miles (I-80, Hwy 49)
Nevada City to Downieville...................... 44 miles (Hwy 49)
Nevada City to Sierra City........................ 56 miles (Hwy 49)
Loyalton to Downieville............................ 49 miles (Hwy 49)
Truckee to Sierraville................................ 30 miles (Hwy 89)
Truckee to Sierra City............................... 49 miles (Hwy 89, Hwy 49)
Downieville to Sierra City......................... 12 miles one way, 13 miles the other (Hwy 49)
Quincy to Calpine.................................... 49 miles (Hwy 70, Hwy 89)
San Francisco to Sierra City................... 202 miles (I-80, Hwy 49)